Charles Jones"Sheep on a Hillside"
William Shayer Snr"A Rest by the Stream"
Thomas Sidney Cooper"Afternoon Respite"
Dorothea Sharp "Evening in Catalonia"
John Fred. Herring Snr"A Winter's Feast"
Dame Laura Knight"Springtime"
John Fred. Herring Jnr" Glad to be Home"
Thomas Sidney Cooper"Canterbury Meadows"
Eugène Verboeckhoven"Sheep in a stable"
John Frederick Herring Jnr"A Lunchtime Meeting"
Thomas Sidney Cooper"Country Friends"
John Falconar Slater"A Summers Day"
Charles Jones"Sheep in a Highland Valley"
John Fred. Herring Snr"Portrait of two horses"
Robert Watson"Sheep on a Highland Hillside"
Robert Watson"Highland Rovers"
Thomas Sidney Cooper"Morning in Canterbury Meadows"
John Fred Herring Jr"The Approaching Storm"
Edgar Hunt"My Friends in the Farmyard"
John Fred. Herring Jr"The Farmyard"
Thomas Sidney Cooper"Sheep in the Highlands"
Robert Watson"Cattle in the Highlands"
William Watson"Highland Chiefs"
Richard Ansdell "Gathering the Sheep"
George Armfield"A Difference of Opinion"