Stock Code: 1934 - SOLD
Description: A rare George II laburnum kettle stand of unusual form. The circular top with turned dished surround over a multi-ring turned and tapering column with an emanating claw shaped tri-from base, linked by an inverted triangular stretcher, the solid laburnum legs flanked by a pair of turned roundels, with carved step-foot. An extremely rare piece with use of fine quality timber throughout.
Further Information: The type of base on this piece precedes and probably was an inspiration for, the more intricate tri-form base found on furniture made by Thomas Chippendale and illustrated in "The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker's Director", which was first published in 1754. Laburnum was used primarily as a veneer from late seventeenth century, particularly in parquetry It has dark rich blackish-brown colour, the use of this timber in the solid in this piece would indicate that it was probably commissioned for a wealthy important client.
Condition: Excellent. Minor old restorations, waxing.
Country of Origin: England
Origin/Age: English, George II, circa 1740
Provenance: From a collector in the South West.
Dimensions: Height 24.00 inches (60.96cm) Width 10.00 inches (25.40cm)